Get exposure to local and global property companies, without having to directly buy or manage property.
Funds focusing on property

Smart NZ Property ETF
Tracks the return of the S&P/NZX Real Estate Select Index, containing the largest and most liquid NZX-listed property assets.

Smart Australian Property ETF
Tracks the return of the S&P/ASX 200 A-REIT Equal Weight Index, containing ASX-listed property assets.

Smart Global Property ETF
Tracks the return of the FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed ex Aus Rental Net Tax Index (100% NZD Hedged), containing global property assets.
Build foundations with our Core Series
If you’re looking for a solid foundation for your portfolio, our Core Series is a great place to start. This selection of 10 ETFs covers a diverse mix of markets, industries and asset classes.
Designed for simplicity and efficiency, the Core Series makes it easy to build a diversified portfolio quickly and at low cost. This series offers hand-picked building blocks that you can choose from to give you a quick start to solid investing foundations.

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